Karezza: Enlightened Lovemaking

hack your biology for blissful relationships
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About the

Have you wished that the blissful “honeymoon” phase of your relationship could last indefinitely? Using the hidden wisdom of Karezza, many couples have been able to accomplish exactly that. They find that they are extremely loving, generous, and attracted to their partners, avoiding many of the sharp ups and downs of most long term relationships.

Why is the wisdom hidden? Well, it’s because most are too intimidated by the most characteristic practice of Karezza: to avoid or limit orgasm. Few are willing to look beyond their impulse to have as many orgasms as possible. But if you are one of those brave few who yearns for something more (and longer lasting, more satisfying sex), then you deserve to learn about Karezza.

About the
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Karezza: Enlightened Lovemaking
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