Blocking and prohibition are only effective in so far as someone is not motivated to reach the restricted thing.
At my company REMOJO, we’ve spent 3 years attempting to provide blocking services that restrict access to pornography for adults who want to quit their porn habit. After 3 years of work, I’m convinced that it is completely impossible to do so for anyone who still wants to seek out porn, or break a web filtering software. Of course, the same applies to children, if they want to find it, they can. The reasons are as follows:
I could go on, but you get the picture. I would still recommend that you install the most effective blocker that you can find, if your child must have a smartphone with 24/7 internet access. It’s worth having some layer of protection to avoid accidental access, and seeking out of curiousity, rather than high motivation. It’s also worth having full access to their browsing history if possible, for monitoring threats.
My child will just not be getting a smartphone, nor will they have unmonitored access to the internet. They’ll have to do without. I don’t want them to have the low-level brain damage that comes with social media addiction, and I don’t want them to step onto the slippery slope of sexualised feed-based media like TikTok, Instagram etc.
You have to remember that big tech companies, pornographers and adult performers could not care less about your children, their safety, wellbeing, mental health and what they engage with online. They do the bare minimum to avoid government regulation and negative press.
It’s likely that in the completely degenerated West, your child is going to be exposed at some point anyway. You will also need to check in regularly to be aware of such developments, and ensure that not only does your child have minimal prompts to engage with porn, and minimal ability to access, but also has no motivation to do so, being educated on the harms, and disciplined for infractions. There’s no single silver bullet.
Check out our REMOJO coaching program to quit porn with or without meditation.